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TELA MERILNI SISTEMI D.O.O. Quality LS linear scale in Slovenia

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Quality LS linear scale in Slovenia | Our company TELA MERILNI SISTEMI D.O.O. is specialized in the development and manufacture of high quality LS linear scales in Slovenia.  We can offer you p...... Preberi celoten opis
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Quality LS linear scale in Slovenia

Quality LS linear scale in Slovenia |

Our company TELA MERILNI SISTEMI D.O.O. is specialized in the development and manufacture of high quality LS linear scales in Slovenia. 

We can offer you professional, affordable and quality solutions in the following product groups:

  • Quality LS linear scale
  • Rotary encoders
  • Digital position readout system
  • Interpolation electronics 

Quality LS linear scale in Slovenia

The program of quality LS linear scales comprises several different types for different installations. They are installed on machine tools, such as lathes, milling machines, grinding machines, CNC machines, etc. 

Our expertise and the quality of our products are confirmed by our experience, knowledge and satisfied customers. We are sure that you will be among them if you are searching for quality LS linear scale in Slovenia. 

If you are looking for a quality LS linear scale in Slovenia, please contact us. 

We will be happy to develop and manufacture custom products for you.


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