The company VR-electronics D.O.O. and our production of LED circuit boards in Europe has more than 25 years of tradition.
We continuously invest in the development that is available today. Our own production of LED circuit boards is not implemented only at home, but also in Europe.
We are dealing with integrated solutions, which means that we provide the development of the product from idea to the final product. In our work, we keep high quality standards.
We work with clients from the electronics industry who are engaged in different areas, such as:
With years of experience, development and own line of quality products the production of LED circuit boards in Europe is providing you with the best solutions, as evidenced by our excellent references and numerous satisfied customers.
Production of LED circuit boards in Europe and our other services and products, please see our website or contact us. We will be happy to assist you.
Our branch: Obrtna cona Logatec, 1370 Logatec
Podjetje VR-ELEKTRONIKA, D.O.O. in naša proizvodnja LED vezij v Evropi imata več kot 25 letno tradicijo.
Nenehno vlagamo v razvoj, da je danes na voljo lastna proizvodnja, ki ni uveljavljena le doma, pač pa tudi v Evropi.
Ukvarjamo se s celovitimi rešitvami, kar pomeni, da nudimo razvoj izdelka do končnega produkta. Pri svojem delu se držimo visokih standardov kakovosti, kar potrjujemo tudi s pridobljenim certifikatom.
Z dolgoletnimi izkušnjami, razvojem in linijo lastnih kakovostnih izdelkov smo med kakovostnimi ponudniki celovitih rešitev za vas, kar dokazujejo tudi naše odlične reference in številne zadovoljne stranke.
Več o proizvodnji LED vezij v Evropi in drugih naših storitvah ter izdelkih, si oglejte spletno stran ali nas kontaktirajte in z veseljem vam bomo pomagali.