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EMA d.o.o. Pool cover EU

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In the company Ema d.o.o. we are specialists for pool equipment, private pools, pool covers and for all products associated with pools.   With our experts, we cover the field of construction of ...... Preberi celoten opis
  • gradnja bazena
  • keramični bazeni
  • karbonsko keramični bazeni
07:00 - 16:00
07:00 - 16:00
07:00 - 16:00
07:00 - 16:00
07:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 20:00
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Pool cover EU
In the company Ema d.o.o. we are specialists for pool equipment, private pools, pool covers and for all products associated with pools.
With our experts, we cover the field of construction of swimming pools and pool covers throughout Slovenia and EU. We can change your garden into a real bathing paradise, and we stand by your side from the beginning to the final installation of the pool.
We also offer consulting, design and installation, all from the beginning of construction to commissioning the pool.

Pool cover EU

Pool cover EU

We aim to be always high with standards with new and innovative swimming pool products and solutions that improve the balance between price and quality.

Above all, it is important to us that the quality of construction of the pool and the pool water itself are at the highest level, so that the pool serves you for enjoyment and companionship.

The choice of pool coverage is almost as significant as swimming pool selection. From the owner's expectations, it depends on which pool cover is most appropriate. You can choose between different pool covers like swimming shutters, thermal covers, winter covers or pool roofs, which effectively extend the bathing season for up to 4 months. We offer quality, aesthetically appealing and useful solutions!

For more information about pool cover EU, we are available on given contacts.

V podjetju Ema d.o.o. smo strokovnjaki za bazensko tehniko, privatne bazene, bazenske strehe in vse aktivnosti povezane z bazenom. 
Z našimi strokovnjaki pokrivamo področje izgradnje bazenov in bazenskih streh po celotni Sloveniji. Že v petih dneh lahko spremenimo vaš vrt v pravi kopalni raj in vam stojimo ob strani od začetka do končne vgradnje, od  svetovanja, načrtovanja in vgradnji, vse od začetka gradnje do zagona bazena. 
Trudimo se biti vedno korak s časom z novimi in inovativnimi bazenskimi izdelki in rešitvami, ki izboljšujejo razmerje med ceno in kvaliteto. Predvsem pa nam je pomembno, da je sama kvaliteta izgradnje bazena in same bazenske vode na najvišji ravni, da vam bazen služi za užitek in druženje in ne toliko čiščenju ter vzdrževanju.
Izbira pokritja bazena je skoraj tako pomembna, kot izbira bazena. Bazenske strehe in bazenski pokrovi so vam na voljo, samo poklicati nas morate.


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