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Zlatorog oprema proizvodnja, trgovina in storitve d.o.o. Packaging systems for food industry Slovenia

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Packaging systems for food industry Slovenia | In ZLATOROG OPREMA d.o.o. we are providing the best possible packaging systems solutions that are nature friendly and energy efficient.    Our mai...... Preberi celoten opis
  • Pakiranje avtomatizacija proizvodnih procesov
  • paletirni sistemi
  • packaging systems for food industry
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Packaging systems for food industry Slovenia

Packaging systems for food industry Slovenia |

In ZLATOROG OPREMA d.o.o. we are providing the best possible packaging systems solutions that are nature friendly and energy efficient. 


Our main activity is the production of different types of packaging systems and machines: 

  • Palletizing Systems
  • Depalletizing
  • Pallet transport System
  • Automatic Stretch wrapping machines
  • Semi-automatic stretch wrapping machines
  • Stretch hood
  • Shrink wrapping
We can provide you with the best packaging systems for food industry in Slovenia and our work also intervenes in other industries (tobacco, paper, wood industry, cosmetics ...).

Packaging systems for food industry Slovenia

We provide customers with the best possible solutions for packing systems that are efficient, long-term and affordable. 

We always listen to our clients' needs and make sure we find solutions that are in accordance with the demands. We are familiar with the latest technologies and solutions on the market that satisfy even the most demanding customers that need packaging systems for food industry Slovenia. 

If you are interested in packaging, automation of production processes in Slovenia and if you are searching for packaging systems for the food industry Slovenia, please contact us. 


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