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Zlatorog oprema proizvodnja, trgovina in storitve d.o.o. Packaging systems for beverage industry Slovenia

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Packaging systems for beverage industry Slovenia | If you are looking for the best, affordable, efficient and long-term packaging solutions in the food and beverage industry, with our company ...... Preberi celoten opis
  • Pakiranje avtomatizacija proizvodnih procesov
  • paletirni sistemi
  • packaging systems for food industry
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Packaging systems for beverage industry Slovenia

Packaging systems for beverage industry Slovenia |

If you are looking for the best, affordable, efficient and long-term packaging solutions in the food and beverage industry, with our company ZLATOROG OPREMA D.O.O. on board, you will be completely satisfied. 

We offer packaging systems for beverage industry in Slovenia as well as the production of other packaging machines for different industries such as cosmetics, paper industry, tobacco, wood industry ...

Packaging systems for beverage industry Slovenia

We offer: 

  • Palletizing Systems
  • Depalletizing
  • Pallet transport System
  • Automatic Stretch wrapping machines
  • Semi-automatic stretch wrapping machines
  • Stretch hood
  • Shrink wrapping
Our goal is to offer Packaging systems for beverage industry in Slovenia and abroad that are nature friendly and energy efficient. Today we have rich expertise, high level of knowledge and we can meet in time even the most demanding clients' needs.
As a result, our packaging systems solutions are sold all around the world by a wide range of distributors. 
For any additional information related to the packaging systems for beverage industry Slovenia please contact us. 


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