Mechanical installation of power plants around the world |
Mechanical installation of power plants around the world should be entrusted to our company MOTABOS, PODJETJE ZA INŽENIRING IN STORITVE, D.O.O.
We are experienced, trained and have excellent references. We quickly respond to requests for cooperation and prepare a favorable offer.
With us, the mechanical installation of power plants around the world is done within the agreed deadlines and utmost proffesionalism.
We employ top-quality personnel and constantly ensure that our employees are educated in such a way that every mechanical installation of power plants anywhere in the world is carried out by following applicable regulations, standards.
Contact us to see our completed projects and see for yourself why all customers recommend us as the best partner in the field of mechanical power plant installation.
We look forward to working with you and are always ready for new challenges, no matter where you are and how demanding the mechanical installation of power plants will be.