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Kostroj - Strojegradnja, d.o.o. Slovenske Konjice Manufacturing building machines Slovenia

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Manufacturing building machines Slovenia | For our company KOSTROJ - STROJEGRADNJA D.O.O. machine manufacture and building in Slovenia is the main activity. With rich experience, knowledge and...... Preberi celoten opis
  • gradnja strojev
  • maschinenbau
  • manufacturing building machines
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Tovarniška cesta 2, 3210, Slovenske Konjice Navigiraj

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Manufacturing building machines Slovenia

Manufacturing building machines Slovenia |

For our company KOSTROJ - STROJEGRADNJA D.O.O. machine manufacture and building in Slovenia is the main activity. With rich experience, knowledge and many satisfied clients we strive to ensure the best solutions on the market. 

Program of building tannery machines has been extended to many additional areas:

  • machinery for iron/steel-works,
  • paper industry,
  • building various transport devices, etc…


Manufacturing building machines Slovenija 

We have a long tradition of constructing machinery for industry and transport devices and are always investing in the development of new tehnologies and skills that make us qualified to realize even the most complex projects in mechanical engineering branch.

We gaurantee you quailty products that are made in accordance with high international standards required by certificates ISO 9002 and ISO 9001:2008. 

For aditional information about manufacturing building machines Slovenia do not hestite to contact us. We will gladly answer you questions and offer you, what you are searching for. 


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