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KITAJSKI ŽAD D.O.O. Good Chinese restaurant Maribor

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Good Chinese restaurant Maribor |Visit our good Chinese restaurant in Maribor, which will impress you with its excellent flavors and a wide variety of Chinese dishes for every taste. Good ...... Preberi celoten opis
  • Dobra kitajska restavracija Maribor
  • Good Chinese restaurant Maribor
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Loška ulica 10, 2000, Maribor Navigiraj

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Good Chinese restaurant Maribor

Good Chinese restaurant Maribor |

Visit our good Chinese restaurant in Maribor, which will impress you with its excellent flavors and a wide variety of Chinese dishes for every taste.

Good Chinese Restaurant KITAJSKI ŽAD D.O.O. is waiting for you. Visit us at Loška ulica 10, 2000 Maribor and we will be happy to provide you with friendly service and affordable prices.

Good Chinese restaurant Maribor

We are creating for you a pleasant ambience in a good Chinese restaurant in Maribor, where our customers are happy to return, again and again.

We are looking forward to your visit!

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