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Prevozi Stanka, Stanka Spolenak s.p. Excursion transport in Slovenia

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The company Prevozi Stanka, Stanka Spolenak s.p. offer excursion transport around Slovenia, where they have prepared for you the perfect balance between quality and affordability, which will...... Preberi celoten opis
  • Prevozi oseb s kombijem
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Na hribu 9A, 2319, Poljčane Navigiraj

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Excursion transport in Slovenia

The company Prevozi Stanka, Stanka Spolenak s.p. offer excursion transport around Slovenia, where they have prepared for you the perfect balance between quality and affordability, which will surely impress you!

Excellent excursion transport around Slovenia requires everything that is provided by the company Prevozi Stanka:

  • Comfortable seats and transport (modern and well-maintained vehicles, with emphasis on comfort and safety),
  • Tailored or agreed-upon trips (school trips, company trips, trips for the elderly, for organized small groups of people)
  • Experiences of your choice (ee adapt to your wishes, whether you want to explore Lake Bled, walk around the charming capital of Ljubljana or see the beautiful Julian Alps)
  • efficiency and punctuality of transports (we are aware of the importance of your time, so transport is organized in accordance with your trip plan)

Excursion transport in Slovenia

Excursion transport in Slovenia

Excursion transports in Slovenia with Prevozi Stanka are an excellent choice because they will allow you to:

  • See different places in one day
  • Carefree about driving, finding a parking space and related costs, so that you can devote yourself fully to the activities on the trip

Vans for up to 8 passengers are available, which is ideal for excursion transport of small groups, but they also offer taxi transport, which is usually chosen by individuals and couples.

All excursion transports in Slovenia are individually adapted to the wishes of individuals or small groups. With Prevozi Stanka, you will travel around Slovenia in modern and regularly maintained vehicles that offer comfort and safety.

Excursion transport

Excursion transportation

Ensure peace of mind and leave the organization of excursion transport around Slovenia to Prevoz Stanka, while you get to focus on enjoying the trip.

You can also count on transportation for various other events. If you are going to a wedding, a celebration, a business event or anywhere where you don't want to worry about finding a parking space, the stress of driving and especially driving at night, our services allow you to relax. You can also contact us when you need taxi transport or transportation to the airport.

Check the price list of excursion transport in Slovenia, the availability of transport and other information on the published contacts. You are invited to call us and book your transport, especially during the peak of the tourist season.

Excursion transportation


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