Are you looking for a professional manufacturer and distributor of hgih quality copper balls in Slovenia? Get in touch with LOS, a company that produces and sells professional ammunition in Slovenia and offers excellent products and always professional cooperation.
Here at LOS we have been establishing our mark since 2008 and 2010. From the very beginning we set out to become the most reliable and top provider of quality ammo, especially copper balls, in Slovenia.
We have our own in-house production. We rely on innovative, heavy-duty, precise and quality machinery that ensures all of our production is carried out correctly and in accordance with the law.
Copper balls that we produce and sell in Slovenia are made out of durable material, are perfectly spherical and fit all the critera for quality ammunition for various purposes.
Besides copper balls, in Slovenia, we also produce:
All of our products have been ranked among the best ammunition on the Slovenian market and wider.
At LOS we appreciate quality and professionalism and want to offer just that to our customers and business partners. That is why we stay true to our agreements, rely on communication and want to provide only the best solutions and products to our buying customers.
To uphold and follow through our high production standards, we rely on our own production devices and professional equipment that serves every purpose of production o copper balls.
In Slovenia, our team is made up of the best engineers, specializing in the field of: mechanical and electrical engineering as well as munition.
To top it all off, we conduct precise quality control thoughout the entire production process, which results in professional products that are in accordance with safety and legal regulations.
LOS has been a reliable and loyal business partner and manufacturer throughout the years and plans on continuing being just that - if you are interested in our production of copper balls in Slovenia or are looking for a business partner in munition, get in touch.
Price list:
For more information about our prices contact us.