If you are planning an event and are in need of catering in Kras, contact restaurant Sila, where we offer affordable catering services at all kinds of events.
Food is often an integral part of every celebration. It can, however, take hours to prepare and serve, not to mention all the dirty dishes the host has to take care of during or right after the event.
Catering services are the best solution, as you usually have plenty of flexibility regarding the menu, and you also no longer have to worry about preparing the food, serving it in time, and cleaning up afterwards.
At Sila, we are by far the best choice, if you are looking for affordable catering in Kras, as we offer a wide array of dishes, which includes both hot and cold dishes.
We cater to all tastes, which is why our food can be enjoyed both by vegetarians and meat lovers alike. We are especially proud of our various cold cuts, which can be served as a traditional Slovenian "narezek".
If you choose us for catering in Kras, you can enjoy a wide selection of canapes - perfect finger foods for your next birthday party, event with coworkers, or wedding reception before the main course.
We also have not forgotten about guests with a sweet tooth - we can serve different desserts in small portions - perfect for guests watching their figure and those who want to try a bit of everything.
Along with catering in Kras, we can also take care of the event venue - you may rent our event hall, which is perfect for weddings and other events where enough space for a dancefloor is needed.
We always strive for perfection in all aspects of our service. We are happy to accommodate you in any way we can, so do not hesitate to contact us for more information about the menu and how it can be catered to your preference.
Price list:
Our prices vary based on different factors - for more information on the cost of catering in Kras contact us via phone or email. We look forward to your inquiries!
For more information about our venue in Slovene, click here.
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