PEPI-PLAST D.O.O. is a company with rich experience and expertise in the plastic industry.
Among other products, you can find the best bio straws in Slovenia in their offer.
Check out our whole offer and contact us if you have any questions or would like to order our excellent bio straws from Slovenia!
The company PEPI-PLAST D.O.O. is aware of the importance of preserving a healthy and clean environment, so in the wide range of their products you can find bio straws.
The company is working towards reducing the amount of waste materials and energy consumption. Therfore they choose processes and materials with a lower environmental burden.
The bio straws are environmentally friendly, quality, quickly available and affordable.
Smaller packages are intended for domestic use, while for many years the company also supplies various restaurants, bars and catering establishments with the best bio straws in Slovenia.
The bio straws we produce are an excellent aletrnative to good old plastic straws that are harmful for both humans and the planet.
With a long-term presence in the
market, constantly adapting to the needs of their customers and
continually investing in the development of the company in all areas,
they have gained excellent references and expanded their program.
They are available for:
For more information if you are looking for bio straws in Slovenia, they are available on their website and other contacts. We will be happy to answer any and all questions that you might have!
Don't hesitate to contact us, we are looking forward to our cooperation!