Avalanche protection systems Europe |
The Slovenian company ARMOTERRA specializes in the development, engineering, and application of the landslide and avalanche protection systems as well as flood protection solutions.
Our products such as avalanche protection systems have been developed by top experts from the fields of geology, building and IT.
All solutions are innovative, safe, cost-effective, highly reliable and easy to install.
We offer you geomonitoring services, simple and cost effective sensors and mobile communications solutions in order to timely discover the signs of dangerous geological process and dangerous state of your building or facility. Our avanalche protections sensors deliver the data online to every corner of the world.
Most of the avalanche protection systems and other solutions can be applied by manual labour. This is important because avalanche protection systems are usually needed on hard-to-reach terrains and under demanding nature conditions.
We have a lot of knowledge and experience gained from various projects across Europe and we will be able to help you if you are searching for the best avalanche protection systems in Europe.
If you want to know more about the highly effective avalanche protections systems, one of the best in Europe, visit our website or contact us.
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