Is it your first time in Bled? Would you like to experience all its beauty and learn about its history? Then keep reading!
In the company RAT PATH, SANDI VIDOVIČ S.P. we offer you various services:
We take you around one of the most beautiful Slovenian cities and present it to you from all angles. Get to know the beautiful Bled in great company with us!
Bled is known in Slovenia and elsewhere in Europe as one of the most beautiful alpine resorts, characterized by a mild climate and crystal clear healing thermal water. It is a feast for the eyes in all seasons, and the famous small island in the middle of Lake Bled is like out of a fairy tale and has been attracting photographers from all over the world for years.
However, since Bled also has many hidden corners that are difficult for visitors to find on their own, we offer you affordable guided tours, during which we will introduce you to all the most famous sights and hidden gems of this wonderful city.
Our affordable guided tours of Lake Bled last around 4 hours, during which we take you around the most beautiful parts of the city and ensure the best view of the beautiful nature that surrounds it. The tour, the price of which is €130 per person, also includes a delicious lunch, so that you may sample a taste of our cuisine in addition to the beautiful architecture and nature.
Get an unforgettable guided tour of Bled, Slovenia which we offer at an affordable price. We are sure that you will fondly remember this beautiful corner of our country.
Ste prvič na Bledu? Bi si želeli izkusiti vse njegove lepote in spoznali njegovo zgodovino? Potem ste na pravem naslovu!
V podjetju RAT PATH, SANDI VIDOVIČ S.P. vam nudimo različne storitve:
Popeljemo vas po enem najlepših slovenskih mest in vam ga predstavimo z vseh zornih kotov. Spoznajte čudoviti Bled v odlični družbi skupaj z nami!
Bled je v Sloveniji in drugod po Evropi znan kot eno najlepših alpskih letovišč, ki ga odlikujeta blaga klima in kristalno čista zdravilna termalna voda. Je prava paša za oči v vseh letnih časih, slavni mali otoček sredi Blejskega jezera pa je kot iz pravljice in k nam že leta privablja fotografe iz vsega sveta.
Ker pa ima Bled tudi veliko skritih kotičkov, ki jih obiskovalci sami težko najdejo, vam nudimo ugodne vodene oglede, v sklopu katerih vam bomo predstavili vse najbolj znane znamenitosti in skrite bisere tega čudovitega mesta.
Naši ugodni vodeni ogledi Bleda trajajo okoli 4 ure, v katerih vas popeljemo po najlepših delih mesta in poskrbimo za najboljši razgled čudovite narave, ki ga obdaja. V ogled, katerega cena je 130 € na osebo, je vključeno tudi okusno kosilo, da lahko poleg arhitekture in narave okusite tudi našo kulinariko.
Zagotovite si nepozaben voden ogled Bleda, ki vam ga po ugodni ceni nudimo pri nas. Prepričani smo, da vam bo izkušnja ostala v lepem spominu.